2004: The Founding of Operation No Person Left Behind Outdoors

Founders of No Person Left Behind Outdoors; Mark Hoke and Cody Kittleman

Mark Hoke(left), Cody Kittleman(right)

Mark Hoke and Cody Kittleman, two professional hunting guides, combined their expertise to provide handicap-accessible outdoor experiences for civilians with spinal cord injuries. What they didn’t anticipate was that their heartfelt initiative would evolve into a deeply meaningful mission dedicated on giving back to veterans—the very heroes who had sacrificed so much for our country.

2006-2008:Media Recognition, Expansion, Serving Our Heroes


In 2006, NPLB garnered significant media attention when The Washington Post published a feature on their “Handi-Capable” events. This exposure caught the interest of staff from Walter Reed Army Medical Center, who recognized the value of these experiences for wounded veterans. Shortly thereafter, hospital personnel approached Mark Hoke and Cody Kittleman with a proposal to extend these accessible outdoor opportunities to veterans recovering at the facility.

Wounded Veteran dressed in camo hunting gear securing his prostetic arm during an NPLB hunting event.

With the support of family and friends, Mark and Cody successfully began to take veterans out of the hospital and into the great outdoors. What initially began as just two events each year quickly evolved into more than 20, as the demand for these life-changing experiences surged. This rapid growth made it clear to Mark and Cody that they would need additional support and resources to sustain their mission and continue serving those who had sacrificed so much for their country.

2009-2017: Partnerships & Formation of 501(c)(3)


By collaborating with other nonprofits, NPLB Outdoors grew its reach. Hundreds of service members benefited from the enhanced support and opportunities provided through these partnerships.

A veteran in a wheelchair, paralyzed as a result of combat injury surrounded by 3 NPLB volunteers. All 4 are dressed in hunting gear.
Large group of combat wounded veterans, a service dog, and NPLB volunteers gathered together during a hunting event.
Group of veterans standing with game calls and harvested ducks hung around their shoulders with one veteran centered in the middle of them with a backdrop view of nature and water.

The leadership team at NPLB made the strategic decision to establish their own 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which allowed them to expand their mission and better serve a broader range of wounded, injured, and ill veterans from all eras across the country. With this renewed charitable status, NPLB Outdoors began actively fundraising to support their mission and enhance their variety of programs and services.

Large group of combat wounded veterans inside a log cabin, holding a NPLB Outdoors banner with a large mounted buck hung on the wall behind them, during a veteran hunting retreat.

2018-2019: NPLB Outdoors’ First Paid Employee


Mark Hoke stepped down as President and appointed Adam Kisielewski as his successor.

Founder, Mark Hoke handing a document to Adam Kisielewski; a severely, combat wounded veteran. Appointing Adam as his successor.

As a wounded veteran, Adam brought valuable executive experience from other nonprofits and a profound understanding of the challenges faced by veterans. His hiring as the first full-time employee of NPLB Outdoors marked a significant new chapter in the organization’s staffing and growth.


2020: New Facility

In late 2020, NPLB Outdoors completed the renovation and relocation to a new office and warehouse space in Mount Airy, MD. This new facility provided dedicated office space, a conference room, and ample storage for equipment and supplies.